1.His only course of action was to hide hidden messages in his album artwork as a means to pass information to the public and his CIA handler.
2.Nonetheless, cutting benefits would not seem to be the scientifically recommended course of action against teenage pregnancy.
3.The " natural " course of action for an Arab woman these days never mind an Arab queen is often not the most accepted one.
4.The official added that high-level State Department officials are "actively discussing a course of action" on the matter.
5.The head doctor had persuaded them earlier that this was the best course of action.
6.As a breeder, myself, its a little self serving for me to say this, but it is still the best course of action.
7.Recognize when other people know better, and do not be afraid to ask which course of action is best. But ask in a smart way.
8.He also indicated he did not believe bankruptcy is an acceptable course of action for any of the companies.
9.Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was "very saddened" and promised to channel "emotions and energies" into a course of action.
10.At this point, the best course of action for miners in Australia is to decide which of the two to pursue, then pursue it coolly and jointly.